I cannot believe it is the 1st June today - pinch punch for first of the month!
There is still so much I want to do with this year, so I guess I had better get on with it before the year disappears into Christmas! Ugh did I say that word - no, just your imagination!
I have been busy finishing layouts for Bon's CC challenges, only have one more to go then I am finished May's challenges!
I am really looking forward to attending Crop4acause on June 21st - to catch up with the lovely scrapping ladies I met last time and because two of my very special online friends from Melbourne are making they way down for the day! I have not met them in real life, so this is very exciting, after chatting and sending and receiving RAK's for over a year now, we finally get to meet! This craft really connects us with very special treasured friends.
We are nearly at the end of Term 2 - I can hardly believe Ella's first year at School is flying past! She loves School and is reading very well!
Mia is in year 1 and her confidence, reading and maths have all improved out of sight! On Friday she came into the Canteen while I was working all smiles, as she was awarded her very FIRST 10 point card at Sport - (she has been waiting a year and a half for her first card) whilst Ella has been awarded 4 in her first year..
I was so pleased for her, it is a real achievement for Mia - especially in sport! The ten points go towards her House (which is Burrows) overall points for the term..
I have some new pictures of the girls to post today which are really cute!
On Thursday I went with the 2 Prep Classes on an excursion - they have been studying Transortation - so off we went 40 preps with 9 adults School bus to the East Geelong station, caught a train to Lara, back on the bus to Geelong waterfront, then onto a ferry for 1 hour cruise - it was such a beautiful Autumn day, the water was calm, the sun was shining and the children really enjoyed it. Then it was off the ferry, and a Helicopter pilot had a talk with the children about the helicopter, then we stopped on the grass near the waterfront for lunch - then walked to the Ford Discovery Centre for a tour! Then it was back on the bus and back to the school for dismissal time! Wow what a day, one cute Prep girl fell asleep cuddling me on the bus - so sweet, lots of happy, tired Preppies Thursday night I suspect!
Well I am signing off now, and going to check my emails, and then get ready for another busy week!
Speak soon, thanks for listening to my ramblings.. - will try and put a slideshow of my layouts on my blog this week
Be happy, safe and don't forget to hug your children tightly
As for me, I am thoroughly enjoying working at Inside Storie for Marisa, it is so much fun - I am presently organising my classes for the school holiday program and a couple of classes I am teaching at the shop this term!